Grabfeed - Python Library to Detect and Return RSS Feed for Given Website
About a year ago, I released my first Python library on Pypi - Grabfeed. It is a simple library that detects RSS feeds in given website (especially blogs) and returns the complete feed URL. Here is how you will use it:
from grabfeed.grabber import return_rss
rss_feed = return_rss('')
# Output:
Installing Grabfeed
Grabfeed can be installed using pip. It depends upon two libraries - Beautifulsoup and requests. They are installed automatically. To install grabfeed run the following command:
pip install grabfeed
Features of Grabfeed:
Grabfeed Supports all modern versions of Python:
- Python 2.6
- Python 2.7
- Python 3.3
- Python 3.4
- Even PyPy!
Supports most modern blogging platforms
The libarary is tested with most modern blogging platforms: Wordpress, Blogger, Tumblr, Ghost, Svbtle and Medium
Grabfeed is automatically tested
The library is integrated is Travis-CI and tested automatically with all platforms and versions of Python once a commit is made.
Contributing to Grabfeed
You can fork the project on Github and send a pull request.